Stowarzyszenie Dystrybutorów i Producentów
Części Motoryzacyjnych
ul. Za Dębami 3, Warszawa 05-075
NIP: 524-255-11-20
Regon: 140248378
KRS: 0000239091
A graduate of Machine Design Technology Department of Akademia Rolniczo-Techniczna in Olsztyn (now: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn). Engaged in the automotive since 1995. Worked for many years for leading cooling and heating systems manufacturer in Denmark. Gained knowledge and experience by being responsible for the sale of products in CEE, Middle East and Africa. Actively participating in SDCM activities for many years, supporting many companies in their operation on the automotive market in Poland and Europe.
Stowarzyszenie Dystrybutorów i Producentów
Części Motoryzacyjnych
ul. Za Dębami 3, Warszawa 05-075
NIP: 524-255-11-20
Regon: 140248378
KRS: 0000239091